Saturday, August 27, 2016

Your spouse is captured by a war lord. What 4 characters from any movie do you assemble in a team to go after them?

So many to choose from... The "Bending the Rules" foursome. These guys are costumed heroes but not, strictly speaking, superheroes as they have no superpowers: Rorschach: his methods are basically illegal but he's not going to stop until he gets what he's after Black Widow: a spy without superpowers who holds down a place on The Avengers Hit Girl: makes Rorschach look a little soft. Also brings the element of surprise. Batman: doesn't have superpowers. Does have money, toys, unarmed combat skills and a reputation as the world's best detective. The Animated Quartet: Mulan: resourceful, creative and mistress of disguise Hiccup (How to train your dragon): even without his dragon, he's smart, inventive and a strong leader Eugene (Tangled): another resourceful player, with handy cat burglar skills Basil, The Great Mouse Detective. The name says it all. The "taking it seriously" tetrarchy. I haven't seen any of the Taken films, so I may be doing Liam Neeson a disservice, but I think these guys can do the trick: Sherlock Holmes. The original world's greatest detective, and still the best. You want a problem solved, this is your man. John Patrick Mason (The Rock): a spy who escaped from Alcatraz and is played by Sean Connery. What more do you want? Sgt Nicholas Angel (Hot Fuzz): The Metropolitan Police's top rated cop, but also pretty handy in a fire-fight Jason Bourne: Because you just know that when all is said and done, Bourne will be the last man standing. First reserve: Robert McCall (The Equalizer): ex-CIA, highly resourceful and goes out of his way to protect the underdog Second reserve: Westley (The Princess Bride). The Man In Black. The onetime Dread Pirate Roberts. He bested Fezzik in a contest of strength, Vizzini in a contest of wits, beat Inigo Montoya in a swordfight and stormed a heavily guarded castle while mostly dead armed only with a wheelbarrow and a Holocaust cloak. So why is he in reserve? Because it wouldn't be fair on the war lord. Unless Westley were to run the operation left handed. That would be fairer. You could also consider a real life quartet: Tony Mendez (Argo): masterminded a real-life rescue mission from behind enemy lines Oskar Schindler (Schindler's List): Finally we get a role for Liam Neeson. Violette Szabo (Carve Her Name With Pride): a member of the Special Operations Executive (SOE), working under cover in Nazi-occupied Europe in WWII.


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