Sunday, March 20, 2016


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Megyn Kelly shocked the cable news world today by announcing she is leaving Fox News to focus on her modeling career. The sonic boom heard in midtown Manhattan was caused by fighter jets – Roger Ailes and Donald Trump – and the result is Megyn Kelly is done with Fox News. Roger Ailes finally succumbed to Donald Trump’s requests and he fired Megyn Kelly soon after the Republican debate in Des Moines. Roger Ailes was under a great deal of pressure because the feud between Donald Trump and Megyn Kelly was negatively affecting the ratings for ALL Fox News shows. “We did what Vladmir Putin would have done in a similar circumstance. We fired Megyn,” Roger Ailes reportedly told a worker at Starbucks. Bill O’Reilly, who was seen outside Trump Tower last night, on his hands and knees, holding a six vanilla milkshakes. He was begging The Donald to be nice to Megy and Fox. But when he heard she was fired he was thrilled the saga was finally over. “I’m looking out for the folks, and Megyn Kelly’s rating were just too damn high,” O’Reilly told a construction worker. “I’m glad she’s gone, so I can once again be the big dog at the network.” Rumors are that Roger Ailes plotted this all along with O’Reilly. As for Megyn Kelly, she didn’t have much to say to this reporter, though she did promise that he would be on her new reality show on TLC called, “The Real Foxes of Fox.”


  1. For you CRUZ supporters or those of you Rubio supporters that are switching to Cruz.... Honestly if you would really research Cruz and see what he actually stands for and what we have to lose... YOU WOULD NEVER VOTE FOR CRUZ !!! If you support Cruz, you support NAU... North America Union.... that would make Canada, America, Mexico ALL ONE with open borders and a superhighway from Mexico to Canada for open trade.... His wife Heidi works for Goldman Sachs and is all for this.... Cruz is a plant from the BUSH family that wants this and this has been in the making for years !!! They do not want to CLOSE the borders and build a wall... they want open borders and freely travel, ONE CURRENCY for all 3 Countries.... No more Sovern Nation, Constitution, Freedoms as we know it.... Does it not surprise anyone that a Canadian is running for President of the United States of America ???? He is not even Eligible for POTUS. On the Democrat side we have Hillary with her agenda to continue Obama's legacy of NWO.. New World Order and on the Republican side we have Cruz, Rubio, Jeb trying to continue the BUSH agenda of NAU... North American Union. THE only PERSON trying to stand up and STOP all of this is DONALD J TRUMP. He is fighting for our FUTURE, our FREEDOMS, our CHRISTIANITY and our CONSTITUTION ..... so tell me again why you are voting for anyone else ?? Does this not make sense to you now why the media, establishment, RNC, DNC, GOPe, SOROS, and everyone else you can think of is against him..... We The People need TRUMP if we are to have a future for ourselves, our families, and our COUNTRY !!!!! All Welcome to the ‪#‎TrumpTrain‬ the ‪#‎WeThePeople‬ movement with Donald J. Trump to ‪#‎MakeAmericaGreatAgain‬ Jobs for Americans, Not Government Dependent Handouts !!! Americans earn their way to obtain the hopes and dreams they want for themselves and their families..... Not have the Government take away their hopes and dreams and make them dependent for handouts.... That is not the American Way !!!

    1. Sherry Davis says it 100% right. I want to add nothing as she is so complete. Read and learn. I am 82 and have studied and watched this and actively told about it. She is right.

    2. You people are so stupid! Trump was for all the bail outs, and wants to nationalize all the banks, keep Obama care and just tweak it. He flip-flops more than a fresh fish out of water. He lies continuously!Ted Cruz proven record and constitutionality. The only candidate our founding fathers would approve of!!!

    3. You people are so stupid! Trump was for all the bail outs, and wants to nationalize all the banks, keep Obama care and just tweak it. He flip-flops more than a fresh fish out of water. He lies continuously!Ted Cruz proven record and constitutionality. The only candidate our founding fathers would approve of!!!

    4. Sherry is correct. There's a youtube video titled WHAT EVERY VOTER NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT TED CRUZ. There is some history in the video that's quite accurate. Bible believers should listen closely, especially when the elder Bush opens his lips. Also note the goals of Heidi Cruz.

    5. Sherry is correct. There's a youtube video titled WHAT EVERY VOTER NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT TED CRUZ. There is some history in the video that's quite accurate. Bible believers should listen closely, especially when the elder Bush opens his lips. Also note the goals of Heidi Cruz.

    6. Ralph McKay, you obviously have not done any homework on Cruz LOL especially if you think Cruz has a proven record!! Let me fill you in on his so-called "proven" record...

      From his time in the Senate, he has only introduced 64 pieces of legislation, of which 30 pieces died before ever going through committee! Out of the remaining 34 bills, only 2 have passed!! S.1594 which renamed a federal courthouse in Sherman, TX to the Paul Brown Courthouse, and 2) A bill to deny admission to the US to any Rpresentative to the UN who has been found to have been engage in Espionage Activities or Terrorist activity against the US.

      The second of which should have been common sense (which is something that none in Washington have in my opinion. Now out of the remaining pieces of legislation that he has introduced 25 of them have a less than 10% chance of even going to Committee, and of the remaining 7 bills, they only have a 11% - 60% chance of getting out of Committee.

      Now, you tell me WHERE is his "proven" record? He has NONE!

      I totally agree with Sherry Davis, she is spot on about Cruz.

    7. WOW you need a good dose of reality.

    8. I want to add something: :D: Dispelling the Myths that Support Ted Cruz - pdf.file
      The most common tenets to support Ted Cruz deal with the following questions: Is Ted Cruz
      Constitutionally able to hold the Office of the United States Presidency? Is Ted Cruz a ‘True
      Conservative’? Is Ted Cruz devoted to the ‘Word of God’? I will try to answer these questions as
      shortly as possible, but truth be told, I could do a long dissertation on the matter.
      The answers to all of those Questions are No, No, and No.

      For a comprehensive review of Ted Cruz and q lot on Donald Trump (Some redundancy and unorganization, but for the most part, quite insightful):
      for-Ted-bots-2016-April-01 - pdf.file
      Do you believe in the constitution? In the Bible? Ted Cruz is not a constitutionalist, and
      therefore cannot be a constitutional conservative. He is an establishment conservative.
      Neither he nor Rubio are qualified candidates:

    9. I want to add something: :D: Dispelling the Myths that Support Ted Cruz - pdf.file
      The most common tenets to support Ted Cruz deal with the following questions: Is Ted Cruz
      Constitutionally able to hold the Office of the United States Presidency? Is Ted Cruz a ‘True
      Conservative’? Is Ted Cruz devoted to the ‘Word of God’? I will try to answer these questions as
      shortly as possible, but truth be told, I could do a long dissertation on the matter.
      The answers to all of those Questions are No, No, and No.

      For a comprehensive review of Ted Cruz and q lot on Donald Trump (Some redundancy and unorganization, but for the most part, quite insightful):
      for-Ted-bots-2016-April-01 - pdf.file
      Do you believe in the constitution? In the Bible? Ted Cruz is not a constitutionalist, and
      therefore cannot be a constitutional conservative. He is an establishment conservative.
      Neither he nor Rubio are qualified candidates:

  2. Hopefully this is true so we can start watching Foz again!
